Perform Testing In Your Local Environments

Perform local testing of your locally hosted website or web application across 3000+ browsers and device combinations.

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Trusted by 2M+ users globally

Test Website Locally



2 Million+






Testing Locally Hosted Pages With LambdaTest Tunnel

With Lambda Tunnel, you can perform local testing, including those hosted on localhost, behind proxies and firewalls for browser compatibility. Our Tunnel is a secure & persistent way to test your local development/staging environments. Our Secure Shell gateway allows you to test plain HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, and similar files saved on your local computer.
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Local Testing
Underpass Tunnel

Underpass A Secure Tunnel For Testing In Local Environments

Use LambdaTest Underpass, a secure desktop application that enables you to test your locally hosted or privately hosted websites or webapps on 3000+ browsers for both mobile & desktop, without executing any command from your terminal. Establish an SSH(Secure Shell) Tunnel between your OS & our cloud servers with Underpass GUI.
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Use npm Plugin for Connecting To LambdaTest Tunnel

A npm plugin to test your locally or private hosted website. All you need to do is to run this command: npm i @lambdatest/node-tunnel, in your command line and our npm plugin will be installed. With our npm you can easily connect with the help of your command line.
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Npm Plugin
LambdaTest Tunnel Github Action

GitHub Actions For Testing Locally Through LambdaTest Tunnel

A joy for GitHub community as now you can leverage GitHub action for LambdaTest Tunnel this will help you to test locally hosted web pages with ease. No need to worry as it will automatically take care of setting up the binary file & executing Selenium automation tests using the LambdaTest Tunnel once the GitHub action is triggered.
LambdaTest Tunnel Actionarrow

Testing in Local Environments for Browser Compatibility

Test your local files and folders on Windows, android, iOS browsers seamlessly. Perform local testing on various browsers at unmatched speeds through LambdaTest. Deliver stable, high-quality builds on your local environments.
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Mobile local testing

Automation Test In Local Environments

Now you can run your automation scripts across various android and iOS mobile devices & browsers. You can test through our emulators, simulators & real devices. Local testing through LambdaTest will drastically speed up your goto market.
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Dashlane reduced Test Execution Time by 50% with HyperExecute

HyperExecute is a highly reliable test execution platform and has excellent customer support.

Sagar Uday Kumar

Sr. Engineering Manager


How LambdaTest is helping Global Enterprises

Trusted by startups, SMBs and big enterprises alike.


By being able to run our Selenium scripts on the legacy and latest browsers on LambdaTest helped us save significant time in test execution with zero hassle to maintain the infra.

Anish Ohri

Head of Testing and Performance Engineering


Increased Browser Coverage

Seamlessly Integrate With Complete CI/CD Tech Stack

Get detailed insights of your automation tests in your CI/CD pipelines by integrating with your favorite DevOps tools.

Seamlessly Integrate

Why LambdaTest for Automated Test Execution

Here’s why LambdaTest is the choice of Automation cloud for 2 Million+ developers & quality analysts

24/7 Support

24/7 Support

Get access to industry leading 24/7 dedicated support

 Zero Test Flakiness

Zero Test Flakiness

Highly reliable and accurate infrastructure that has no flakiness

120+ Integrations

120+ Integrations

Fits seamlessly into your testing stack with out-of-the box integrations

3000+ environments

3000+ environments

Best browser coverage across on any cloud grid

Wall of Fame

LambdaTest is #1 choice for SMBs and Enterprises across the globe.


Ready to Get Started?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a local page testing?
Local page testing is a an environment where you can test your locally hosted website or your local files. This is done so that you can deliver a perfect project by removing all bugs before it goes live.
How can I test if a website is hosted locally?
You can test your locally hosted pages and privately hosted pages at LambdaTest Selenium Test Automation Platform using LambdaTest tunnel app. The LambdaTest tunnel allows you to connect your local system with LambdaTest servers via SSH based integration tunnel.
Why you need a local Testing environment?
It will mimic your website and act as real thing. Thus allowing you to test changes to your website without affecting the actual site. This can be useful for testing sites and web apps offline to remove compatibility issues before going live.
How do I enable local testing on cloud?
You can enable a secure way of local testing through our tunnel app, navigate to the top right corner of your dashboard, head to configure tunnel & click on the download link.
Founding Year












Elevate Your Local Page Testing Experience

Experience firsthand how our platform can empower you to reach your Local Page Testing objectives and bring innovation in your testing procedures. Try LambdaTest today.