iOS Browser Simulator Online For Cross Browser Testing

Test on iOS Mobile Browsers For Cross Browser Compatibility
Cross Browser Testing on iOS devices

Real-Time Test On iOS Browsers

Perform real time live interactive testing of your webapp, website for cross browser compatibility on all iOS devices with latest iOS 13 version using LambdaTest platform. You can test your web application for functionality, visual bugs, and a lot more by performing cross browser testing on mobile browsers.

Perform Responsiveness Test With LT Browser

With LT Browser you can perform responsiveness test for your Website on different devices. Create your own custom devices and view website on different devices and resolution. Test your mobile and desktop simulatenuously with side by side view, debug and share bugs instantly with your team.

Native App Testing on iOS Devices

Perform native app testing on of your iOS devices such as iPhone, and iPad. Test out the functionality, UI and other accessibility features of your application on different versions of the iOS platform.
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Test On IPhone Simulators Online

Make sure that your website works across all latest and legacy iOS mobile browsers by performing cross browser testing across iOS browser simulators. Now you can replace your expensive in house device labs with iPhone's iOS virtual machine onlne for all your manual and automated browser testing needs.
Test On IPhone Simulators Online
Test Local Pages On iOS Devices

Test Local Pages On iOS Devices

You can perform testing of your locally hosted webpages or web apps on cloud by establishing a secure shell tunnel with LambdaTest. We provide you all Mac operating systems and iOS versions on desktop browser and iPhones. You can perform cross browser testing of your local pages by accessing local files and folders on cloud.
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Quickly identify cross browser compatibility bugs across multiple Mac OS machines and iOS devices in a single click. Test on real Mac High Sierra, Mac Sierra, Mac El Capitan, Mac Yosemite, etc virtual machines running real browsers and iPhone devices. Online cross browser testing tool to help you make sure that your layout is perfect across latest and old Mac Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Mobile browsers.

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Automated Web Testing On iOS Simulators Online

Run your Appium automation test scripts across latest and legacy iOS mobile browsers. Develop, test, and deliver faster every time with automated cross browser testing using LambdaTest online Selenium Automation Grid.
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Automated Web Testing On iOS Simulators Online
Test On Chrome, Firefox And Safari Browsers On iOS Devices

Test On Chrome, Firefox And Safari Browsers On iOS Devices

You can perform cross browser testing of your website or web application with our iOS browser simulator on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari and ensure complete cross platform and cross browser compatibility. In addition you can test on multiple iOS virtual machine online.

Debug Your Mobile Web Pages On iOS Devices In Real Time

With our in-built developer tools, you can debug your mobile pages on iOS devices in real time. With a single click you get access to native browser developer tools on all iPhone browsers Simulator .
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Debug Your Mobile Web Pages On iOS Devices In Real Time
Responsive Testing On iOS Browsers Online

Responsive Testing On iOS Browsers Online

Test your mobile website or webapp pages for responsiveness on all legacy and latest iOS browsers online with a single click. Test on real screen sizes and real browsers instead of testing via changing just view port. You can even test your locally hosted or privately hosted page for responsiveness and fix the issues faster before moving them to production.

Mark As A Bug On iOS Devices

While performing cross browser testing on all iOS devices online with LambdaTest, you can also mark your bug directly from LambdaTest to any bug management tool like: JIRA, Asana, Trello or move it to Github, Gitlab or also communicate over Slack.
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Mark As A Bug On iOS Devices
24*7 Support From Our Tech Experts

24*7 Support From Our Tech Experts

Our tech experts are available on our support 24*7 to help you in case of any problems with your mobile browser testing. You can get in touch with us by filling up the contact form, messaging in-app, or through call. You can also write to us at and we'll get back to you in no time.
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